Alain Nicolas · Fullstack Blockchain Developer

As a Fullstack Blockchain Developer at Consensys, I want to maximize the quality of the code of my projects in order to always deliver value.

Blog post

My articles, published on Medium, Talan Labs' blog or directly on this website.
Some posts are part of series, and the list of series is available here.

Manage your double life on Git!

Manage your double life on Git!

Optimize your Git identity for your double life as a developer by using two possible approaches to separate your professional and personal projects.

Free up space with npkill

Free up space with npkill

Discover npkill, the package that allows you to quickly and easily delete unused node_modules folders from your computer. Free up space in a few clicks with this simple yet powerful tool.

Sort your dependencies!

Sort your dependencies!

When working on a team project, it's important to maintain the package.json file consistently. That's where sort-package-json comes in.


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Programming languages
  • GB flag English - Professional level (TOEIC: 975/990)
  • FR flag French - Native language
  • ES flag Spanish - Notions


The projects in which I participated and contributed, within my companies or in a personal capacity..

Snaps Permissionless Distribution

Snaps Permissionless Distribution


Experimentation with the decentralized distribution of MetaMask Snaps.

Verax Attestation Registry

Verax Attestation Registry


Creation of a decentralized attestation registry.




Adaptation of a web client based on the Lens protocol, deployed on Linea.


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Fullstack Blockchain Developer

Consensys - Paris

Development of decentralized applications.

03/2022 – Present

Fullstack Tech Lead

Talan Labs - Paris

As a developer and then tech lead, I participated in consulting, framing and implementation missions. Supervision of interns and management of 6 people.

Internally: creation of the blog, writing articles, presentation of technical topics during the internal training days, participation in the recruitment process.

Creation of Talan's Blockchain & DLT offer: creation of training, R&D, development of decentralized applications on Ethereum, Quorum, Fabric and Corda, implementation of the necessary architecture for the operation of a blockchain or DLT, evangelization of clients, animation of inter-bank workshops.

07/2015 – 02/2022

Blockchain & DLT Trainer

Training of 4th and 5th year students on blockchain & DLT technologies: creation and animation of courses and practical work. Supervision of a semester-long project for groups of 5 to 8 5th year students.

02/2018 – 02/2022

Fullstack Developer (Intern)

End of studies internship - Fullstack Java EE development.

01/2015 – 07/2015

Developer (Intern)

Amadeus - London

Creation of a new control and management system for the documents required for air travel for a passenger.

07/2013 – 12/2013


EPF - School of Engineering - Sceaux

Generalist engineer
Major "Management of Information Systems"
2009 - 2015

Faculty of Pharmacy Paris XI - Châtenay-Malabry

1st year
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics
2007 - 2009

Marie-Curie high school - Sceaux

Baccalaureate S
Major "Physics-Chemistry"
2004 - 2007