BNP CIB - Blockchain-as-a-Service

BNP CIB - Blockchain-as-a-Service


Client's website

The Client

As a major player in the banking sector, BNP Paribas must stay at the forefront of available technologies. This is how blockchain and DLT technologies have become essential.

Like many large companies, BNP is divided into several entities that can all participate in the same project, which is not without raising challenges around collaboration.

The Project

To allow all BNP entities to experiment on the blockchain before easily joining a decentralized consortium, it was necessary to make accessible technologies that we can qualify as exotic.

This is how our challenge was to make it possible to create entire networks of nodes in a cloud environment with just one click.

The Technical Stack

Blockchain & DLT

The technologies chosen by BNP that we had to make accessible:

  • Corda Enterprise

  • Hyperledger Fabric

  • Quorum

The Technical Environment

Containerization with Docker, many Shell scripts, and installation automation with Ansible.